

Registrations closed

This server does not accept registrations for the moment, a new administration takes care of the server and it's planned to relaunch the server after reworking the server gameplay.
Metin2Campion ex team want to thank you for all the support you give to this server and hope to see you back at the opening.

Campion Team



Welcome to Metin2Campion
We want to thank you for choosing this server! We are a small community that constantly grow, thanks to your support and we are very grateful for it.
Even the server seems empty please don't leave, we promise you won't regret playing here. Staying here motivate the team to keep up the good work and listen to your needs by constantly bring updates.
This server is free to play forever! You don't need to donate in order to keep up with other people, our innovative Vote4Coins system allows you to buy from item shop only by voting this server every day.
Oldschool gameplay, very hard with slow progress makes Campion the best classic server that still exist on the internet, before you join you have to know that there's no QoL's, we have a few systems however.

  • Offline Shop;
  • Chest content view (instead of wiki);
  • Check the drop of the mobs (instead of wiki);
  • Save account data for a faster login;

There are no other changes in gameplay.

Please join us on discord to keep updated with the latest changes, you will meet some awsome people over there.
If you have any problem/question or issue with the game please contact us via discord (open a ticket) or send us a text on fcebook.

Have a warm stay and have fun.
Campion Team.

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